Specialized Foot Care For Athletes

Strong healthy feet are crucial if you want to give your best in the game. However, even athletes can be guilty of neglecting foot care. Your podiatrist at Podiatry Associates of Houston will share with you proper foot care tips to prevent sports injury in Houston and Woodlands, TX.

Listen to Your Body

Most people only pay attention to their feet when something goes wrong. The same thing can be said for athletes too.

If you feel pain during training or the game, it's probably time to stop. The pain you feel is your body's way of telling you that something is wrong. Some sports injuries in Houston and Woodlands, TX, such as Achilles Tendonitis are due to repeated use. So, taking breaks is important for your foot health.

Maintain Proper Hygiene

Maintaining foot hygiene can help you ward off foot problems like an athlete's foot. Ensure you're washing between your toes with gentle soap to eliminate bacteria and fungus buildup.

Clean socks and shoes are a must. You should also change your socks when they get damp. Consider keeping your footwear on in public spaces such as around swimming pools.

Wear the Right Shoes for Your Sport

Your shoes should meet the demands of your sport. Wearing the wrong shoes can put excess pressure on your ankles and feet, therefore, increasing your risk of injury. The wrong shoes can also affect your performance in the game. Your podiatrist can help you pick out the ideal shoes for your sport.

Even the best shoes need to be retired after consistent use. So, your old pair of lucky shoes might not be so lucky after all and might be due for a change. How long your shoe lasts depends on the type, quality, and material.

Start Slow

If you're trying a new workout routine, it's best to start slow to give your body time to adjust. You can increase your intensity as you get more comfortable.

Athletes returning from a break, shouldn't simply jump right back to where they left off. You'll still need some time to condition your body to the new routine. You can also start your workout with warm-up exercises and stretches.

Before you can give your best in the game, you'll need to ensure your feet are in their best shape and take precautions to prevent injuries.

Your podiatrist at Podiatry Associates of Houston can help you prevent and treat sports injuries in Houston and Woodlands, TX. To schedule your consultation, call:

Chimney Rock: (713) 666-0287

Memorial City: (713) 467-1299

Katy: (281) 579-0186

Willowbrook: (832) 912-7792

Woodlands: (281) 849-9891

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